A magical place, magical and unique for the best day of our life as a couple. A huge THANK YOU to the whole Villa Garoupe Beach team for opening the doors to this dream villa, making our wedding a fairy tale and welcoming us with such kindness.
An unforgettable evening on this beach that I am completely in love with ... I could not have imagined better than getting married in this beautiful bay. The beauty of the site and the clean lines of the villa make it truly an ideal place for such an occasion. A terrace on the water for a magical night; heavenly colors for a chic and casual brunch. The magic of the place operates undeniably.
Thanks to this place, our wedding became even more beautiful than we ever dared to dream. An initial light drizzle became a beautiful sky and you could not take your eyes off the sea. The place is fantastic and the private atmosphere with our guests was wonderful. The beach day the next day was a complete success! We will never forget the 18th of September and thank the owners for making our dream happen.